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Monday, November 30, 2009

Changu Narayan

Listed in the World Heritage Site, it is also a scenic spot situated at the altitude of about 1700m. and 4 km. to the north of Bhaktapur. The Changu Narayan Temple is believed to be the oldest of all the temple of Baktapur district. It is said to have been built by King Hari Datta Verma in 323 A.D. and the most authentic inscription located in the precinct of Changu Narayan is dated 464 A .D. and is accredited to the Lichavi King Mandeva.

Jungle Safari

While the high Himalayas makes up Nepal’s northern region, the southern Lowland known as the Terai is covered with dense tropical jungles teeming with diverse wildlife and exotic birds. Here you will find some of the most exciting safari destinations in the world. You will be going in to deep jungle on elephant back or fourwheel drive vehicle to view wild animals in their natural habitat. Other thrill are canoe rides on the jungle rivers, nature walks, bird watching excursion and village tours. There are 14 national parks and wildlife reserves in the Kingdom. The Sagarmatha(Everest)National Park and Chitwan National Park are listed as World Heritage Site.
Sagarmatha(Everest) National Park(1,148 sq.) which includes the tallest mountain in the world, is listed as World Heritage Site.
Chitwan National Park (932 sq.) is listed as a World Heritage Site and is the most popular safari destination in Nepal. It covers unique ecosystem, containing hills, ox-bow lakes and flood plains.

Kathmandu Darbar Square

It is a complex of palaces, courtyards and temples, built between the 12th and 18th centuries, used to be the seat of the ancient Malla kings of Kathmandu. An intriguing lice here is the 17th century stone inscription set into the wall of the palace with writings in 15 languages. The Durbar Square, protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the social, religious and urban focal point of the city. There are also three museums inside the palace building.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dattratraya Square

The square has been nomenclatured from the name of the Deity of the temple itself. The temple is dedicated to the three-headed Deity of the Hindus. The Deity symbolizes three Deities in combination. Bramha(God of Creation),Bishnu (God of Protection), and Maheswara(God of Destruction), of Hindus. The square as a whole can be regarded as museum of wood carvings. Dattatraya Temple, Peacock Window are main attractions of square. At the entrance two huge sculptures of the wrestler Jaimala and Pata, a ‘Chakra’ and gileded metal statue of Garuda- a bird-like divinity can be seen.

Taumadhi Square

It lies at just minute walk to the south-east of Darbar Square. A standee in this square is pygmised by the towering five storeyed pagoda styled temple of goddess Siddhi Laxmi and that of god Bairabnath. It is called Nytapola by local. It’s struts, doors , windows and tympanums are decorated with carvings of divine figures, including a pair of 2m high stone statues of legendary Rajput wrestlers-Jaimal and Pata, a pair of lions, a pair of elephants, a pair of griffons and a pair of tantric goddesses known as Singhini and Toyahagrini.

Major attraction of Bhaktapur

Three main squares of the city are remarkably attractive in their artistic exposition of elegant temples, dignified palaces, graceful monasteries and Biharas standing around these open public places, and connected to one another with quaint streets. Suryabinayak, Changunarayan and Nagarkot are also attractions of the city.
Durbar Square
The square, the most open place of the city, is the most outstanding cluster of exquisite temples and the royal palaces ornamented with work of arts. Here lies 55 windowed palaces, The Golden Gate, Golden Spout, Big Bell, Dog Barking Bell, BatsalaTemple, Chyasilin Mandap, Terracota Temple etc. The square was dded to the list of World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Devadaha was the place of Koliya,the maternal home of Buddha.It is named by the lake which is believed to be constructed by gods(devas).Mahanaya and Prajapati gautami was born at Devadaha. Yasodhara was also born there .So it seems the marital relation berween Kapilvastu and Devadaha was popular at that time. Devadaha is situated east to the Lumbini grove. Tibetian chornical tells that the increment of density in the Kapilvastu made the migration of Shakyas to Devadaha. Buddha had delivered Devadahasutta and Devadaha khamasutta in Devadaha.


Bhaktapur, literally the ‘City of Devotees’-is renowned for its elegant art, fabulous culture, colourful festivals,traditional dances and the typical Newar lifestyle.Tourists visting Nepal feel incomplete unless they get a mesmerizing glimps of this ancient ‘City of Culture’, ‘Living Museum’.This conch shaped historic city spreading over an area of 6.88 square kilometers and lying at 13 km. east of Kathmandu ,was founded in the 12th century by King Anand Dev Malla. Old dances and festivals are still observed by the locals with the same fervour and enthusiasm as their ancestors did in the past.
Baktapur is filled with monuments,most of terra-cotta with carved wood columns, palaces and temples with elaborated carvings, gilded roof pottery Biharas.This city is dotted with pagodas and religious shrines. The Hindus and the Buddhists have coexisted in harmony and drawn inspirations from each other through the ages. Bhaktapur is also famous for curd ‘JuJu Dhau’, means King of curd.


Kapilvastu is the home country of Siddhartha, Lord Goutam Buddha. He spent 29 years in kapilvastu. Digha Nikaya and Sumangla vilasini is the source of the origin of the Kapilvastu. According to those texts Kosala king Okkaka was compelled to sent his 5 daughters and 4 sons into exile by his 2nd queen. Those prince and princess went to north of Kosala and met a sage named kapila. With suggestion of sage Kapila they cut down saka tree and made the place to live in. After that other people also came to settle there. In this way it became dense city .

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Lumbini-a place in the southwestern Terai of Nepal,is the hallowed birth place of siddhartha Goutam,the shakya prince ,eventual shakyamuni and the Buddha,the enlightened mankind.This nativity site identified by Indian Emperor Ashoka's commemorative pillar eracted over ,2,200 years ago and rediscovered in 1896,is the quintessential Buddhist heritage site ,currently renaissanced by the internationally supported Lumbini Development Project.The site,described as a beautiful garden in the Buddhist time still retains its legendary charm and beauty.Lumbini is also recognized as World heritage site by UNESCO.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Khokana, the medieval village of the Newar community, the indigenous community of the Kathmandu Valley, is situated at about 5-6 km southwest part of Lalitpur. It has a steep slope towards west whereas the main settlement is located on the elevated land with plain land or slopes virtually separated physically for agriculture. The total population of Khokana is about 4542. 97.7% are inhabitants from Newar community and others are Thakuri, Tamang, Chhetri, Sunuwar, Bhote etc. Khokana has long been famous as an oil-pressing center where mustard seeds are pressed using traditional wooden beams. Mustard oil pressed by traditional wooden beams makes the famous Newari food ‘chhoyela’ delicious and adds real traditional flavour.

How to reach
Khokana is easily accessible by road. To reach this village one has to follow the straight road from the Tibetan refugee camp at Jawalakhel. There are many buses which arrive in 30 minutes interval to Khokana.

When to visit
The best time to visit Khokana is during October and November. During this time several festivals are held here. Shrikali Jatra, Kartik Jatra falls in October. At that time the whole village looks colorful as the villagers hang red chilly garland from the top floor to the ground floor. Most of the farmers of this village are either involved in spinning or oil-pressing business.

Major attractions
Khokana is a settlement with a very dense urban character in a scenic and peaceful environment. The village still retains its original urban, fabric and architecture along with its typical Newar atmosphere and traditional lifestyle. The rich heritage and relatively unchanging life style of the Newar people is clear to see in Khokana. The village is rich in both natural and man-made attractions. The medieval old houses, the alleys and streets, temples, traditional practices and festivals that go throughout the year are the attractions of this unexplored land. There are many small villages at Khokana and these villages give the feeling of going back to the medieval period since people still follow the ancient way of life and their brick houses are unchanged from ages past. The most unique to see in this village is the weaving of red chilies, giving it a look of chilly garland. The houses in Khokana are built in typical Newari style with impressive carved windows, all stereotyped, standing three storied from the ground with a sloped roof of Nepalese roof tiles.

The three storied temple of Rudrayani situated at the center of the settlement and Shrikali temple at west side of the settlement are the main monuments that show the rich art and architecture of Khokana. The major festivals observed falls in Kartik when the chariot procession of goddess Rudrayani takes place. The other festivals such as Baisakh Sankranti, Indrajatra, Sithi-Nakha:, Janai Purnima, De-Pukhu Jatra, Saparu Swanti and Dhaya Purnima are also celebrated in Khokana.Chwe-Lachhi (the main courtyard at the center of Khokana village), Kwe-Lachhi (to the west of main Lachhi), Hyabu-Lachhi ( North west of core area of Khokana settlement), Gaabu-Lachhi (North west of Chwe-Lachhi), Chi-Khokana, Kudesh (the oldest settlement area of Khokana ), Shikali Khyo (a plain area where the Shrikali temple is situated) are some of the important places not to be missed while visiting Khokana. The Khokana VDC has eight major water bodies or Pukhus (Khaa, Palla, Dev, Gaa, Kutu, Bakha, Fonga and Chokhana ponds) which are also considered as one of the attractions of Khokana. The typical Newari settlements, traditional houses, temples, monuments, patis, water bodies, squares, cultural practices, events like Jatras/Festivals, rituals, lifestyle have made this place a living museum which could be of great interest for both domestic and international tourists.

Facilities and Amenities
Bungamati police station looks after the security of Khokana. However, the local people feel quite secure as they are living in their own close community. There are 29 private telephone line connections and 2 public telephone line connections in whole Khokana VDC. The postal services are also available right in the VDC office. Other facilities available are simple hotels, tea shops, retail shops, cloth shops, electric shops, dispensary, tailoring, handicrafts, communication or STD/ISD, audio video shops, screen printing shops etc.